
Report to

Amesbury Area Board

Date of Meeting


Title of Report

Community Area Grant funding

Purpose of the report:
To consider the applications for funding listed below


Amount requested

Applicant: Woodford Parish Council
Project Title: Playarea equipment

View full application


Total cost of project




1. Background
Area Boards have authority to approve Area Grants under powers delegated to them. Under the Scheme of Delegation Area Boards must adhere to the Area Board Grants Guidance

The funding criteria and application forms are available on the council’s website.

2. Main Considerations
2.1. Councillors will need to be satisfied that funding awarded in the 2017 /2018 year is made to projects that can realistically proceed within a year of it being awarded.

2.2. Councillors must ensure that the distribution of funding is in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation to Area Boards.

2.3. Councillors will need to be satisfied that the applications meet the Community Area Board grants criteria.

3. Environmental & Community Implications
Grant Funding will contribute to the continuance and/or improvement of cultural, social and community activity and wellbeing in the community area, the extent of which will be dependent upon the individual project.

4. Financial Implications
Financial provision had been made to cover this expenditure.

5. Legal Implications
There are no specific legal implications related to this report.

6. Human Resources Implications
There are no specific human resources implications related to this report.

7. Equality and Inclusion Implications
Community Area Boards must fully consider the equality impacts of their decisions in order to meet the Council’s Public Sector Equality Duty.

Community Area Grants will give local community and voluntary groups, Town and Parish Council’s equal opportunity to receive funding towards community based projects and schemes, where they meet the funding criteria.

8. Safeguarding Implications
The Area Board has ensured that the necessary policies and procedures are in place to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults.

9. Applications for consideration

Application ID


Project Proposal



Woodford Parish Council

Playarea equipment


Project Description:
The existing wooden balance poles are rotten and unsafe. They are to be replaced with new recycled plastic equipment.
Input from Community Engagement Manager:
This application meets the criteria. It also meets part of the JSA. Positive activities for young people. Healthy lifestyles.

That the Area Board determines the application.


No unpublished documents have been relied upon in the preparation of this report

Report Author:
Dave Roberts
Community Engagement Manager